These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

For any experiment that already has a winning variation assigned to it, is it still possible to restart it but with a different distribution?

How does setting a winning variation and segmentation work exactly?

Can I change the text on UIToolBar/UIBarButtonItem in an experiment?

If so, how do I target them?

How many seconds will a request for experiment var timeout itself ?

I currently use TaplyticsVar.async. just wonder if TaplyticsVar have re-try mechanism and how long one request will be timeout. Thanks

Does Taplytics support Split URL Testing?

As the title states, does Taplytics support Split URL testing and if so, how would you implement it in Taplytics?

How do I ensure only net new users receive an experiment?

How do I properly target net new users who have just downloaded my app within the last 7 days?

Audience Segmentation

Hello, As part of the feature toggle creation, I am unable to add new Custom User Data as an Audience Segmentation. Whenever I move from one section to another, any words I typed will disappear.

How do I create deep links for my app's push notifications?

How do we add links to our push notifications? When a user swipes to open the push, it should take them to a specified place in the app. We have deep linking setup in our app already, I just can't find the place to put that link in the Taplytics dashboard.

Where can I find the variation ids for android and ios experiments in the UI

I am trying to find the variation ids for each variation after creating an experiment but I can't find them. I am only using android and ios.

Maximum limit of experiments?

Is there a maximum limit of the concurrent experiments that can be run on Taplytics?

Does the getRunningExperimentsAndVariations block get called even with a failed/timeout response?

Can you please elaborate on how this works?