The Taplytics API is a REST based endpoint for remotely accessing data from Taplytics.
Note: API access is only available to users on an Enterprise plan.

API Endpoint

The API endpoint is available at


All access to the Taplytics API is done using token-based authentication. Multiple API keys can be used at the same time, and they can be managed via your account.

Please note that all requests must be made via HTTPS. Requests sent over HTTP will be denied.

Authentication is done using your project's REST API key, which can be found within your project, on the left sidebar, under the 'Settings' tab. Every request you send through the API must contain your REST API key. The API key can be sent through one of the following methods:

  1. The API key can be sent as a query parameter called api_token. Example:

  2. The API key can be sent in the body of a POST request. Example:

	"api_token": "3dddfb4068e-414a-92f1-390ha54603ff"
  1. The API key can be sent as an HTTP header called x-access-token.

HTTP Responses & Errors

Taplytics uses standard HTTP status codes to identify whether requests are successful or have failed.

  • 200 OK - All systems go!
  • 204 No Content - The record was succesfully deleted
  • 400 Bad Request - Something's missing (probably a parameter)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Invalid API key
  • 402 Request Failed - The parameters in your request were valid, but something failed
  • 404 Not Found - The requested item does not exist
  • 50x Server Error - Something else went wrong

Custom Data

Most user updatable objects in Taplytics support custom_data as a parameter. The custom_data object is a key:value store for any custom data that you would like to associate with that object.

For example, if you would like to store a custom user id, you can pass the following type of data into your user object:

        "my_user_id" : "12345",
        "first_name" : "Paul",
        "last_name"  : "Graham"


When querying collections of data, such as multiple users, push notifications, etc, the Taplytics API uses pagination to return the data. This is done by specifying a page, the number of the page of data you wish to access, as well as the number of unique records you wish to see per_page.

So, if somebody had 100 users they have to GET, they could query to get the first 50 users and to get the last 50 users they have. All collections in the API are sorted by the default time at which they were created.

To crawl large sets of data, the client will often query the data and then traverse through the next pages of the document automatically to get more data. It is not recommended that you try and guess the constructed URLs for pagination.

Thus, Taplytics provides all paginated responses with a Link header included. This header will provide the first and last page of the document, as well as the previous and next page, if available. So, to query a project that has roughly 400 hundred on the third page of data with 100 users per page would look like:

With a Link header:

Link: <>; rel='last', <>; rel='next', <>; rel='first'"

Please note that by default, accounts have a pagination limit of 100 items per page.