Push Notifications - Terms and Definitions
Term | Definition |
pushOpened | An event indicating that a push notification is clicked by the user. These are users who actually open the app directly from the push-no time frame defined. |
Open Rate | Percentage of users who received vs. opened push directly (opens /sends ) |
SoftOpen 24hrs | A metric created by Taplytics to track engagement on an App within a certain time period as a result of the push notification. Users whom have opened the app within 24 hours following the successful delivery of a push notification ( pushSent ).and it'll includes people who clicked on the push (pushOpen) |
Soft Open Rate | Percentage of users who received vs. opened the app within 24hrs of receiving the push (softopens /sends ) |
pushRegister | An event indicating that the device was configured to receive push notifications. The pushRegister event occurs when a new user or unsubscribed user allows push notifications on their device. |
pushUnsubscribed | An event indicating that the device could not get a push notification. Examples Include - Push notifications are disabled on the device in question - App has been deleted - User has opted-out of push notifications from the device. - A Delta between users who did not receive a push compared to the last successful pushsent .Important to Note pushUnsubscribed is different from pushSentFailed . pushSentFailed indicates errors in the process of sending the push; it is not user-based, but technology based. On the other hand, pushUnsubscribed is an enduser preference and is intended.Recommended Best Practice Send silent push daily to see a change in push unsubscribed compare to pushsent to examine if there is a correlation. |
pushSendSilent | An event that tracks silent (background) pushes. |
pushSent | A successful push notification was sent to a device. |
goalAchieved | An event which is intended to track the occurrence of Goal Events.goalAchieved events are responsible in populating results.Example A successful Taplytics code event is triggered in an end-user's app. Then, the code event will be sent to Taplytics as a goalAchieved event.This may differ for 3rd party analytics. Name is the name of the Code Event. Metadata contains the Metadata key/value pairs. |
revenue | An event that tracks the occurrence of revenue- type Goal Events. It is not the same goalAchieved and tracks Revenue events instead of Code Events. |
Updated almost 4 years ago